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The Savvy Mummy

Savannah, her little friend and I ventured out on Monday to see the fabulous stage production of one of her favourite ever books Zog at The Orchard theatre at Dartford. The show is based on the 2010 book, about a dragon on his adventures, by Julia Donaldson and the illustrator Axel Scheffler. The amazing duo are also the creators behind Savannah's other fav books The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child which we watch on TV daily.

The show's story follows Zog along his travels learning all new tricks including fire breathing, roaring & how to fly with three of his freinds, this is done whilst attending Madam Dragon's school where he and the other dragons try their hardest to win a golden star.I wont ruin the neding by telling you if tey acheive this or not!

The Zog cast is very small but makes up for it in creativity and fun with a fabulous and simple set that they use through the show which includes a very clever way of using scaffolding and letting the dragons be able to fly, the set design is brilliant. The cast is made up of a fab team that play music along the way which is just lovely to watch and such a simple but effective way. Savannah really enjoyed this and now wants to learn to play something, fingers crossed, she's good. The theatre show has some extra characters that aren't actually in the TV show or the book, but I liked this as it added to the show and meant it wasn't just an exact copy of the book. The whole show lets the children use their imagination and that's what I loved most about it.The pink dragon was Savannah's fav but mine had to be the princess who plays lots of different characters throught the show and has the most beauiful voice.

Since seeing the show Savannah hasn't stopped telling everyone about it and how funny it was. So the theatre cast and producers did a great job and I'm sure we will be back to see it again if it comes back around to a theatre near us.

Thank you

The Savvy Mummy xxx


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